Take control of Clucksworth, a failed (depending on your point of view) experiment by the scientist; Dr. E. Benedict, and navigate through the scrambled labyrinth of their so-called bio-engineering lab! Dangerous enemies are afoot by the dozen, and it’ll take some serious eggspertise to make your way out! Use the arrow keys to move, or WASD perchance if that’s your comfort, and X to jump around the eggy maze (I’m running out of egg puns). Z fires your egg… gun (leave a comment if you have something better, okay?), and keep an eye out for any special… powers. 

Controls (Keyboard): 

Movement: WASD or arrow keys

Jump: X

Shoot: Z

Special Power: Control

Controls (Gamepad):

Movement: D-Pad or Left Stick

Jump: A (Xbox) or X (Playstation)

Shoot: Right Trigger

Special Power: Left Shoulder


Medley-games - Music, Sound Engineer, Game Director, Software Engineer, UI Designer

Gry - Lead Software Engineer, Artist / Animator, SFX

Holly - Software Engineer, Lead Level Designer

SkyMouse - Software Engineer, UI Designer

External art assets made by

Main character made by 9EO


Enemies made by j0nbitz


Tileset by Exceptrea


Font from Kenney



Windows x86_64.zip 25 MB


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(1 edit)

Not bad but way too hard. Could be a good game if you could restart from the checkpoints, or else the enemies shouldn't respawn every time you revisit a room. Also it when the game restarts, it doesn't reset the top-down/side layer properly.